Aesthetics & Anti-Aging | NW Regen
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Cosmetic & Regenerative Aesthetics

Renew your beautiful, vibrant skin! 

Can you really help with anti-aging?

NW Regen can help to increase collagen and rejuvenate skin.

Regenerative aesthetics encompasses state-of-the-art therapies and your body’s own innate healing systems with the goal of recapturing your more youthful tissue function and structure, which are depleted or damaged as we age.

Dr. Dhai Barr’s services include a variety of botox treatments and rejuvenating facials, peels, and fillers. See below for detailed information about all our cosmetic and regenerative aesthetics services.

Each patient is carefully evaluated and presented with the best options for optimum results for a more youthful look. Always researching the newest procedures and applications, Dr. Barr takes careful consideration of effectiveness, safety, efficacy, and lasting results.

Our cosmetic & regenerative services include: 

Masthead image for Botox and Neuromodulators

Botox + Neuromodulators

When you squint, smile, raise your eyebrows, frown, or concentrate, your facial muscles contract and cause skin to furrow and fold. When Dr. Barr injects wrinkle-relaxing botulinum toxins (like Botox or Dysport) into the muscles, it temporarily makes facial lines look better.

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Dermal Fillers

Used to reduce the signs of aging, fillers address fine lines and deep wrinkles. Dermal fillers can also be used on hollow areas below the eyes and can help to minimize skin depressions and scars. Click to explore more or book time to consult with Dr. Barr about what will work best for you.

Masthead image for Botox and Neuromodulators

Medical Facials

While spa facials are relaxing, their results are short-lived. Our medical facials use medical grade products designed by dermatologists that produce visible, long-lasting results. To improve skin laxity and overall tightening, consult with Dr. Barr for the procedure that’s right for you.

Why Choose NW Regen for Medical Aesthetics?

NW Regen offers cosmetic and rejuvenative skin treatments, medical facials, neuromodulators, and dermal fillers.