“I’m into ‘safe sunning’ because I think we are Vitamin D-deficient,” says Dr. Dhai Barr, skin care specialist and pioneer in cosmetic and regenerative aesthetics at NW Regen. Powered by embed youtube video html and https://nouc.se/ Learn about “safe sunning” and how...
Can You Cure My Headaches?
There are almost 200 different types of headaches, according to the UW Medicine Headache Clinic. At NW Regen, we treat patients who suffer from cluster headaches, migraines, tension headaches, as well as occipital neuralgia. In this article, we explore “cluster...
Hiking Health & Regenerative Medicine
Hear an orthopedist’s perspective on hiking and what you can do to keep your joints healthy – whether training for fall trail hikes or recovering from summer back-packing sprains or tears. 5 Short, Hard Truths About Hiking 1. You’re harming yourself if you don’t bring...
Hydrate for Your Health – You’ll Be Glad You Did!
Every day, we lose water through our breath, perspiration, urine, and bowel movements. For your body to function properly, you must replenish its water supply. Only about 20% of daily fluid intake comes from the food we eat, so we need to give our bodies the other 80%...
Summer’s Good-4-U Foods
You know what’s fun? Shopping at farmers’ markets. In this article, we break down what’s in season and why local produce is better for you than what you might find at the grocery. Forward by Libby Mitcham: Libby is NW Regen's beloved Office Manager & CEO...
Regenerative Medicine & Sports
We’re excited to see so many local athletes in the Paris Olympics! It’s been fun to watch the swimming, soccer, gymnastics, and basketball, just to name a few ! Knowing the injuries so many athletes must overcome, we wish everyone safety during The Games! Hang in...
Summertime in Portland: Our Docs’ Healthy Living Tips
To keep healthy this summer while having fun in the sun, we offer the following lifestyle tips. By incorporating these ideas into this active season, you can experience the many joys our region’s outdoors offers, while caring for yourself, your body, and your mind. 1....
Your Ultimate Summer Skincare Guide: 10 Definite Dos & Don’ts
It’s here and we’re having fun! Summer brings longer days, more sunshine, and a host of activities that beckon us outdoors. And though the warmer weather is welcome, the increased exposure to sun, heat, sweat, and potential dehydration can take a toll on your skin...
Pains and Sprains of Pickleball: How to Protect Yourself
Players young and old are on the courts this summer. And we want you to be safe! Please stay hydrated during play and use good form. If an injury does happen, be sure to contact us! We’ve got solutions to help you recover quickly, regenerate injured tissue, and get...