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Adipose-Derived Biocellular Therapies

Using your own healthy tissue cells to heal other parts of the body.

What are Adipose-Derived Biocellular Therapies and What Do They Do?

Your own cells have tremendous value for you. Our powerful biocellular injection therapies and stem cell IV therapies use stem cells that are autologous (taken from your own adipose (fatty) tissue), which means your body won’t reject them. The graft from your own body is called MFAT (Micro-fragmented Adipose Tissue), which contains a high concentration of pluripotent cells known as Medicinal Signaling Cells (MSCs), a.k.a. Mesenchymal Stem Cells, which are regenerative.

Our stem cell treatments include biocellular injection therapies and stem cell IV therapies that help repair conditions in your ligaments, tendons, muscles, and skin. (They even help to regenerate natural hair growth.)

At NW Regen, we choose to harvest these regenerative stem cells from your adipose tissue instead of from your bone marrow for several reasons:

  • Stem cell concentrations from MFAT are roughly 500-2,000X higher than those from bone marrow!
  • MFAT contains an extracellular matrix (ECM) or a connective tissue scaffolding which bone marrow does not.
  • You can think of ECM as the tissues between your cells (or the mortar between your bricks). It is what holds your cells together, providing structure for your body to heal.

How do Stem Cell injections work?

  1. At NW Regen, we harvest your regenerative stem cells that are contained in your MFAT cells, process, and prepare them for injection–all in our clinic. 
  2. Then, Dr. Ryan Wood re-injects your own regenerative stem cells at the targeted point of injury or pain, always using real-time ultrasound image guidance.
  3. You begin to heal: Your own stem cells assist and promote your body’s healing process by cushioning and supporting injured or degenerated structures.

MSCs respond by producing bioactive signaling molecules that stimulate immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, angiogenic, and trophic/regenerative effects on tissues,” explains Dr. Ryan Wood. “This ultimately results in localized and tissue-specific change that encourages regeneration and healing.”

Stem Cell IV Treatments & Banking your Stem Cells

Be sure to ask us about the amazing opportunity we offer to help bank your stem cells for long-term treatments and IVs with us in the future. This ensures we’re using your youngest stem cells. 

Along with MFAT-derived stem cell treatments, NW Regen also offers other injection therapies, including Prolotherapy and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Dr. Wood will help diagnose and guide you to the treatment path best suited to you and your healthcare needs.  

What Conditions do Biocellular Therapies Treat?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injection
  • Degenerative osteoarthritic changes to joints (knees, hips, shoulders, ankles, wrists, and spine)
  • Nonsurgical alternatives for potential total joint replacement and muscle/ligament/meniscal repairs
  • Chronic joint pain and instability
  • Advanced management for acute and chronic sprains, strains and other sports related injuries
  • Ligament, muscle and tendon damage including meniscal tears, rotator cuff tears, calcific tendinosis, frozen shoulder, chronic tendinitis, such as tennis/golfers’ elbow, plantar fasciitis and chronic ankle instability
  • Men’s health, including erectile dysfunction
  • Women’s health, including vaginal regeneration
  • Hair loss (for both men and women) 

Adipose-Derived Biocellular Therapies FAQs

Why adipose tissue?

Adipose tissue is fat tissue that contains multiple types of healthy cells. It’s an optimal biocellular material because it offers cellular, biological and structural support for injection therapies, creates tissue scaffolding to support repair, is simple to harvest, and contains about 1,000 times as many stem cells as bone marrow. 

Are there other types of adipose-derived tissue therapies?

In general, there are three basic types of adipose-derived tissue therapies for interventional orthopedic and orthobiologic medicine:


  1. The first is called Micro-fragmented Adipose Tissue (MFAT) and that’s what we use at NW Regen. It is a simple in-office extraction of adipose tissue, followed by minimally-based processing, where the tissues used are rich in MSCs, ECM, and used for same-day orthopedic injection.
  2. The second is called Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF).  This is created in a lab where a wide variety of cells within fat tissue are separated from the actual gloppy fat tissue using a digestive enzyme. Those cells are then concentrated to make SVF for IV or other injection therapies.
  3. The third type is a culture-expanded stem cell where an adipose tissue harvest is performed in-office and the extracted tissues are then sent to a registered tissue bank. There, the stem cells are isolated from the tissue sample and expanded into tens of millions or more cells. These cells are living cells (a process similar to those used for invitro-fertilization, etc.). They are then sent back to the patient at a later date for IV and/or Orthopedic uses.
How do we get Micro-fragmented Adipose Tissue (MFAT) Stem Cells for our biocellular therapy?

Our harvesting procedure is minimally invasive, with a closed-based, low-force liposuction process.  Every part of the procedure is done using real-time image guidance that is finished in our state-of-the-art, on-site lab.

For our Stem Cell harvest for culture expansion: 

This process usually takes about 2 hours from start to finish. We begin with a local anesthetic for patient comfort and harvest the adipose tissue sample that is then minimally processed before overnight shipping to our partnered Registered Cell Bank.  There, cell expansion takes roughly 6 weeks to complete before the cells can be overnighted back to us for patient-specific use. You can find out more about stem cell expansion and stem cell banking, here.

For Stem Cell procedures that have same-day injection:

This process usually takes about 4 hours from start to finish. The difference is that we begin by creating Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for use with the MFAT and finish with injections back into the target site/s along with the PRP. Often times, NW Regen patients choose to combine both procedures:

a) to first gain the most from an MFAT same-day injection that includes the extracellular matrix, and
b) to also have stem cells cultured, so later on, that same patients’ health can be boosted by millions of their own living and expanded stem-cells.

What should I expect following treatment?

Most people typically experience post-treatment discomfort that resolves after several days.  

What outcomes should I expect from adipose-derived biocellular therapies?

Our goal is to help reverse and prevent further degenerative processes, restore or repair aging and damaged tissues, and reduce the need for surgery. Most patients experience reduced pain and inflammation and can return to more normal life activities. 

Choose NW Regen for Biocellular Therapies

NW Regen helps you recover from injuries, reduce pain, and improve mobility – with non-invasive, natural therapies that promote regeneration of damaged tissues.