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Which Joints Respond Best to PRP Therapy?

Which Joints Respond Best to PRP Therapy?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy for joints As people everywhere strive for better overall health to improve the quality of their lives, more of them are exploring the viability of using natural, non-surgical approaches to heal, repair, and treat injuries and...

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Why Cell Counting Matters

Why Cell Counting Matters

PRP Counts on It As we all know, at its most basic level, the world of science is based on data; specifically, data that is quantifiable and measurable. Researchers need to know exactly what they are working with, and in what quantities, to help ensure consistency in...

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Q&A: Hypermobile Ehlres-Danlos Syndrome

Q&A: Hypermobile Ehlres-Danlos Syndrome

At NW Regen, we work with patients with a variety of disorders – some commonly known, and others, perhaps less well-known. Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS) is one that not many people may have heard of, but one that definitely warrants attention. hEDS is an...

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Knee Pain and Back Pain: Siblings? Or Distant Cousins?

Knee Pain and Back Pain: Siblings? Or Distant Cousins?

While each part of your body has its own unique function, it also generally relies on other parts of your body to operate at peak performance. Because of this deep connection, when you experience pain in one area, that area might not be the source of pain. A perfect example of this is with your back and knees.

Questions regarding the relationship between knee and back pain arise often. Below are a few of the most common questions that we hear at NW Regen.

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A Little-Known Tale About Stellate Ganglion Blocks

A Little-Known Tale About Stellate Ganglion Blocks

Once upon a time, there was a little-known therapy called Stellate Ganglion Blocks, otherwise known as SGB. Over the years, this treatment, while admittedly not well-known, proved remarkably effective for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), panic attacks, anxiety, stress-related disorders, insomnia, postpartum depression, among other conditions. However, it remained a mystery to most people (including clinicians). Today, the story is changing …

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