Can You Cure My Headaches? | NW Regen
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Can You Cure My Headaches?

by | Aug 29, 2024

Last updated on March 27th, 2025 at 08:13 pm

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There are almost 200 different types of headaches, according to the UW Medicine Headache Clinic.

At NW Regen, we treat patients who suffer from cluster headaches, migraines, tension headaches, as well as occipital neuralgia. In this article, we explore “cluster headache” symptoms and explain how we treat them for instant relief using Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks or SPGBs.

What Are Cluster Headaches?

A cluster is a debilitating headache that “clusters” in Spring or Fall. They come on suddenly (often before bed) with severe pain on one side of the face – lasting for 15 minutes to 3 hours.

“The average run for a cluster headache is 6 weeks. They mostly happen at night with a severe, searing pain behind the eye.”

– Dr. Ryan Wood, NW Regen.

Cluster headaches happen more frequently to men and mostly between the ages of 20 and 40. The pain often causes such distress and anxiety that patients can feel suicidal. When they show up, cluster headaches generally occur every day for weeks and then disappear for months—only to reappear again during the next Spring or Fall.

Although researchers don’t know for certain what causes them, cluster headaches are linked to low levels of melatonin during the change of seasons. And individuals who are very sensitive to these seasonal changes may experience cluster headaches.

Other symptoms include:
Runny nose, tearing, eyelid droop, and facial sweating (all on only one side of the face).

Investigating the Cluster Headache

“Cluster headaches are linked to a part of the brain called the hypothalamus,” explains Dr. Ryan Wood, who treats patients with acute and chronic cluster headaches in his Portland-area clinic with a safe and natural intranasal anesthetic injection known as a Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block.

Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block.

When cluster headaches occur, the hypothalamus “hyper-fires” causing searing pain.

“The hypothalamus is a small area deep within the brain responsible for keeping your body stable on the inside (homeostasis) despite changing conditions on the outside,” says Dr. Wood.

The hypothalamus is the main link between your endocrine system and nervous system. It manages hormones to balance body temperature, blood pressure, hunger, thirst, sex drive, and sleep. One hormone it produces is oxytocin, which is thought to influence the sleep cycle.

When cluster headaches occur, the hypothalamus “hyper-fires” and activates the trigeminal nerve, which starts near the top of the ear and splits in three, toward the eye, cheek and jaw.

“The pain from cluster headaches can be severely debilitating and somewhat terrifying,” says Dr. Wood. “Patients who may not have a history of anxiety or depression can feel suicidal due to the severity of the recurring pain.”

Treatment for Cluster Headache Pain

“Cluster headaches can be treated with oxygen and melatonin,” explains Dr. Wood. “At NW Regen, we use a technique called a Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block. Relief is instant, and it lasts for many hours or even days.”

The entire process takes only about 15 minutes to complete and is relatively painless. “We typically recommend it as a series of treatments, which often provides lasting relief for up to several months,” says Dr. Wood. “It requires a specially designed device that is gently inserted inside your nose. And an intranasal anesthetic is injected.”

This treatment helps manage acute and chronic cluster headaches by blocking the pain receptor. The anesthetic blocks a collection of nerve cells that are closely associated with the trigeminal nerve, one of the main nerves involved in headache disorders.

Relief from Cluster Headache Pain Is Possible

“Your pain is real, and so is the potential for relief,” says Dr. Wood. “It’s important for sufferers of cluster headaches to know that pain-free nights are within your grasp.”

Relief can be immediate, and while cluster headaches may return with the change of seasons, NW Regen treatments can be repeated to block the pain and return you to comfort. Hold onto hope because a brighter, clearer future awaits you.  Request an appointment today.

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