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Aesthetics & Anti-Aging

NW Regen helps increase collagen and rejuvenate facial skin.

Ready for younger looking skin?

We treat aging skin, volume loss, facial lines, sagging skin, wrinkles, and dark circles.

Cosmetic and regenerative skin treatments can help these conditions:

Aging Skin + Volume Loss

Skin laxity on the face is evidenced by progressive loss of skin elasticity, loosening of the connective tissue framework, and deepening of skin folds. Facial volume loss occurs as we age and is caused partly by the breakdown of collagen proteins that provide structure to your skin. 

Fine Facial Lines

Fine lines are the start of wrinkles and look like small creases on your skin. Closer to the surface of your skin than deeper wrinkles, fine lines on your face generally appear where you make repetitive movements, and appear around the eyes and/or mouth when you smile or squint.  

Uneven Skin Tone + Dark Circles

An uneven skin tone refers to any area on the face that has dark spots or discoloration. Having dark circles is a very common (and normal) cause of uneven skin tone. Aging, genetics, and fatigue can cause dark circles under your eyes. While typically not a cause for concern, you may choose to lighten their appearance for cosmetic reasons. 

Wrinkles + Sagging Skin

Wrinkles are a sign that your body is aging as it should. If you experience wrinkles early in life, talk to your healthcare provider about ways to improve how your cells produce collagen to keep your skin looking and feeling youthful. Dermal fillers and neuromodulators can reduce the signs of aging. These treatments are perfect for those who wish to avoid cosmetic surgery.

Which aesthetic procedures help to improve skin?

Vampire Facial

Botox + Neuromodulators

When you squint, smile, raise your eyebrows, frown, or concentrate, facial muscles contract and cause skin to furrow and fold. Injecting wrinkle-relaxing botulinum toxins into the muscles improves appearance of facial lines.

Vampire Facial

Dermal Fillers

Used to reduce the signs of aging, dermal fillers address fine lines and deep wrinkles. These injections plump up wrinkles and smooth lines can also be used on hollow areas below the eyes and help minimize skin depressions and scars.  

Vampire Facial

Medical Facials

While spa facials are relaxing, their results are short-lived. Our medical facials use medical grade products designed by dermatologists for visible, long-lasting results that improve skin laxity and overall tightening.

Ready for Treatment?

Renew your beautiful, natural skin!

NW Regen offers cosmetic and rejuvenative skin treatments, medical facials, neuromodulators, and dermal fillers.