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Hair Restoration

Restoring natural hair growth for both men and women.

What is Hair Restoration?

Regenerative medicine therapies like ours encourage your natural hair to regrow.

Hair restoration at NW Regen uses non-invasive, non-surgical treatments for hair loss for both men and women. Our treatments utilize orthobiologic therapies such as Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) and Micro-Fragmented Adipose Tissue (MFAT) injections.

We essentially take healthy cells from your blood (PRP) and fatty tissue (Adipose) that are rich in regenerative cells including stem cells and transplant them to your scalp.

How Does It Work?

Healthy cells found in orthobiologic injections  stimulate the growth of new cells, help stem cells migrate to the area, and promote the formation of new hair follicles.

They also prolong the life of existing hair follicles to help your body regrow a healthy head of hair!


Treatments that regrow your natural hair, naturally.

biocellular injection treatments

Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

We harvest platelets from your blood and inject a concentration for restoring hair growth for those with premature hair loss, such as Androgenic Alopecia (AGA) or Alopecia Areata.

biocellular injection treatments

Biocellular Injection Treatments

Micro-Fragmented Adipose Tissue (MFAT) is a powerful injection therapy using an adipose (fatty) tissue graft from your body rich in regenerative cells including stem cells to repair degenerative conditions in hair.

biocellular injection treatments

Hormone Treatments

Innovative bioidentical hormone therapies can be used to correct and fine-tune the intricate biological rhythms that orchestrate your body’s internal functions, reviving your system’s natural cadence.

biocellular injection treatments

Personal Lifestyle Plans

We craft personalized lifestyle plans with tailored nutrition, holistic lifestyle adjustments, medical weight loss, and exercise routines to enhance your overall well-being by addressing specific health concerns and needs.

Hair Restoration FAQs

What causes hair loss?

Most common in both men and women is androgenic alopecia, where sensitivity to a form of testosterone causes damage over time to hair follicles. Other causes include hormone and autoimmune disease, chemotherapy, stress, nutritional deficiencies like iron or protein, medications, and smoking.

How long is treatment, and is it painful?

From start to finish, most treatments take about 1.5 hours. (The injection portion takes about 25 minutes.) We offer oral medications, topical anesthetics, and/or nitrous oxide to improve comfort levels.

What should I expect immediately following treatment?

Most people have mild soreness at the injection site, which typically lasts less than a day. We also recommend waiting at least 4 hours following the procedure to shower.

How long before I see results and what do you recommend for optimizing results?

Because hair grows relatively slowly, most patients begin to report noticeable changes by three months, though full results usually take six months or longer. Treatments often are repeated showing cumulative effects over time.

What should I notice?

Most patients notice a feeling of fuller hair, less hair loss, and more natural oils.

Do you have recommendations for optimizing outcomes?

We typically promote lifestyle changes, including hormone replacement therapy and medication usage. Most alopecia is due to reactions to hormones and genetics.

Do you tailor the injections specifically for this?

Absolutely. We have the ability to activate, count platelets and tailor orthobiologic formulations for patient-specific conditions, which should be the standard of care for interventional orthopedic and orthobiologic medicine. Our goal is to offer the highest quality treatments, with the least amount of discomfort, while attaining the best possible results.

Do you have studies supporting Interventional Orthopedic and Orthobiologic Medicine for alopecia?

Definitely. The studies cited below typically found an increase of new hair growth ranging from 18 to 33 hairs per square centimeter, along with increased thickness of hair.

Gentile, & Garcovich. (2019). Advances in Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy in Androgenic Alopecia and Hair Loss: Wnt pathway, Growth-Factor, and Mesenchymal Stem Cell Signaling Impact Analysis on Cell Growth and Hair Follicle Development. Cells, 8(5), 466. doi:10.3390/cells8050466

Cervelli, V., Garcovich, S., Bielli, A., Cervelli, G., Curcio, B. C., Scioli, M. G., … Gentile, P. (2014). The Effect of Autologous Activated Platelet Rich Plasma (AA-PRP) Injection on Pattern Hair Loss: Clinical and Histomorphometric Evaluation. BioMed Research International, 2014, 1–9.doi:10.1155/2014/760709

Mao, G., Zhang, G., & Fan, W. (2019). Platelet-Rich Plasma for Treating Androgenic Alopecia: A Systematic Review. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.doi:10.1007/s00266-019-01391-9

Why Choose NW Regen for Hair Restoration

NW Regen provides cutting-edge treatments, like Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and Adipose-derived Stem Cell Therapy,
plus guidance on lifestyle habits, stress management, sleep, and diet.