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Women’s Health

Treatments for optimal health & sexual vitality

What is Women’s Health?

We specialize in naturopathic bioidentical hormone relacement therapies (BHRT) and adipose-derived biocellular (stem cell) treatments for improved sexual health.

Personalized treatments address underlying causes and restore balance. We offer biocellular and platelet-rich vaginal rejuvenation injections to address low libido, vaginal dryness, and to help  increase blood flow and generate healthy tissue growth for vital sexual health.

Tailored treatments combine regenerative and interventional treatments, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), and physician-assisted medical weight loss when necessary, alongside personalized nutrition and lifestyle plans.

NW Regen treatments promote natural healing.

Portrait of Dr. Ryan Wood

Lifestyle Plans

Tailored nutrition, medical weight loss, lifestyle adjustments, and custom exercises focus on incremental improvements in physical and mental health, along with sleep and nutrition. We adapt your plan over time, ensuring it remains aligned with your evolving wellness journey.

Portrait of Dr. Ryan Wood

Hormone Therapy

With age, the hormones orchestrating our bodily functions decrease production. Hormone therapies correct and fine-tune these intricate biological rhythms, reviving your body’s natural cadence. We personalize treatments to enhance overall wellness and restore vitality.

Portrait of Dr. Ryan Wood

Vaginal Injections

Injection therapies harvest platelets from your blood. A platelet-rich plasma (PRP) serum is then injected into your body to rejuvenate the vagina. Patients report stronger and more frequent orgasms, increased natural lubrication, and greater sexual arousal. 

Our Women’s Health Services Address:

  • Hormonal imbalance 
  • Perimenopause symptoms
  • Sexual health 
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Reduced libido
  • Lichen Sclerosus
  • Metabolic health
  • Medical weight loss
  • Sleep management
  • Stress management
  • Personalized nutrition plans
  • Personalized exercise plans

Women’s Health FAQs

What should I expect on my first visit?

Your first appointment will usually be about an hour long. During that time the doctor will review your health history and listen to your story. This time is important for laying the groundwork for your treatment plan and understanding what factors have contributed to your current health concerns.

This is also a time for you to ask any questions and discuss your goals. The doctor will often order labs, when appropriate, at this visit and send you home with the first steps in your treatment plan.

How can you help with loss of libido and sexual health?

Sexual Health can be one of the more debilitating issues a person can deal with. It can create psychological effects that can cause depression and anxiety, and it can produce outward effects  on relationships. So, it can be a very serious problem.

At NW Regen, we want women and men to know that if they have suffered from a loss or decrease in sexual pleasure they no longer have to settle. It no longer has to be a side effect of aging that you must accept. We have the keys to effective interventions that can be used to unlock your sexual freedom and bring back the excitement in your life.


How do Injection Therapies work?

Our injection thereapy is a non-surgical treatment that pledges to increase sexual arousal and rejuvenate the vagina. The treatment extracts platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from your own blood, which is filled with growth factors, and injects it back into your body to stimulate new tissue growth.

This biocellular treatment helps to improve the vascularization and grow blood vessels to improve oxygen and nutrient supply to the vaginal walls. Our female patients report stronger and more frequent orgasms, increased natural lubrication, and greater arousal after having the procedure.


Why Choose NW Regen for Women’s Health?

NW Regen restores healthy function through personalized patient experiences.